We've had a more than average amount of changes in our lives this year. New house, new city, new state, new jobs, new careers, new church and so many more. With all of these things taking place, there need to be a few more. There need to be some lifestyle changes and some changes with how we spend our time.
For the past week or so, I have heard three sermons about how we spend our time and keeping negative influences out of our lives. I need to be more careful about how people influence my emotions and my daily life. I need to spend more time putting my husband before me, putting God first, focusing on myself, and creating a great life for us here.
Brian's starting school in two weeks. Which means, the reason we moved here is finally happening! This kind of scares me though. There's a lot of pressure put on Brian to excel at school, pressure mainly from himself. This is a life changing event for us. While he is in school, he will also be working full time. Which means, our time together is going to be strained. So, I need to make it a priority to put him first and make the most of our time together. Life will be stressful for the next year or so. Money will be tight. Trust in God is key.
That's where the next change needs to come in. I need to learn more to trust God and His plan for us. Trust that bills will get paid, school will exceed Brian's dreams, my job will continue to excel, and our family and friends will be supportive. This is what needs to be done in our lives, once school is done, we both believe our little family will be better off for it.
Putting more time into myself is also something I need to focus on. I need to spend more time in quietness and in prayer. Reading quality books and discovering more things I am passionate about and rediscovering the ones I have let slip. I need to surround myself with positive, uplifting people and take out the negative influences. Work on relationships that are supportive and encouraging. Also, work on my physical health. Get ready to start a family and be the best mom I can be when it is time for that to happen.
Being more focused on these three things are so important. They are essential to our lives here. Being here is sometimes hard for me, I feel lonely and miss my family and friends a lot. So, I need to make those moments with them meaningful and be around people who are supportive and loving of us. We need more friends here that can uplift us as a couple and be a support system for us here too. That's one of my major prayers here lately.
Well, that's my emotional post for the night. It's been an emotional weekend, a good weekend, a stressful and revealing weekend. With my focus more on these three things, I can't wait to see what changes will happen in our lives and marriage!